November 2011

Dangerously Naive Marketing

11.30.2011 blogging

I deal with businesses of all sizes and a common theme that I hear from them is this: they are completely confused about what they should be doing with marketing. To them it seems like every day they’re hearing something different. You need a website, then you don’t need one at all, just a Facebook [...]

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Be Careful What You Publish

11.29.2011 blogging

Thank god the internet didn’t go public until I was an adult. There’s no online record of all of the stupid or dangerous or immature things I did in high school or college. Yes, some people may remember these things, but they’re damn liars. As they say, “Pictures or it didn’t happen.” It’s a different [...]

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The Case Against Curation

11.28.2011 Art

There are times when our use of language shifts and the meaning of words is altered. I typically don’t fight against it. But this current hijacking of the word “curation” to mean “a list of things on other web sites that I link to” is a poor word choice. A curator is someone who is [...]

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Writing Assignment: A Pause Amidst Madness

11.25.2011 writing

It’s Black Friday and the rush to the holidays is approaching warp speed. That can be a distraction. The universe conspires to distract and slow down writers. Strike a blow against entropy! Use that rush as an energizer, an excuse to write. You can carve out time to pause, reflect and write virtually anywhere. If [...]

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Thank You

11.24.2011 blogging

Thank you, dear readers. Thanks to those who read these words daily. Thanks to those to drop in from time to time. Thanks to those who stumble across them, and hopefully find some benefit, some interest here. With or without you, I still write. It’s what I do. But it’s gratifying and satisfying to find [...]

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