May 2011

Maturity And Relaxed Productivity

05.31.2011 GTD

Maturity has nothing to do with getting older. Maturity is simply more time spent on a task or topic, deeper experience and understanding, more depth. Immature means not ready, untested, unprepared for the contingencies. We all start there, but no one has to stay there.  Understanding only the surface, if that, keeps one immature. And [...]

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Making The Commitment To Software That Works

05.30.2011 Business

One of the great mysteries in life is why people use PCs and Microsoft Windows. But perhaps it’s not that big a mystery after all. Just look around. I find myself frustrated and struggling with various bits of software and functions from time to time and rarely do anything about it. It often takes something [...]

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Writing Assignment: 5 Minutes Ago

05.27.2011 writing

What were you doing or thinking just five minutes ago? Most of our day passes without reflection. It’s hard to remember what we had for lunch, let along what we were doing an hour ago. For the writer, being able to recall and capture a moment in time is very useful. This exercise is designed [...]

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05.26.2011 Uncategorized

I love to drink buttermilk. For all that I know I may be the only one left. I don’t drink it often. It’s not something we keep in the fridge unless there’s baking to do. And when I do drink it, it’s only a few sips. But there’s nothing finer than standing at the counter, [...]

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iPad Magazine Done Right: The New Yorker App

05.25.2011 Books and Literature

Finally. I’ve been extremely unhappy with the slate of magazine translations to the iPad. I’ve tried several and haven’t found them to be compelling enough to leave behind the print versions. And a big part of that has been the price. The price for iPad magazines has been shockingly high and there’s been no break [...]

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