April 2011

Writing Assignment: Dream Of Lottery Winnings

04.29.2011 Writing Assignments

For some, a one dollar investment is a chance to dream of wealth and happiness. The odds are stacked against you, but for a moment, you have the same chances as everyone else of winning it all. The greater the jackpot, the greater the chance to expand your dreams. Some dream safe, small dreams of [...]

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04.28.2011 The life of the mind

Perspective is a hell of a thing. Here at 51 I can see that at 25 I did have a voice. I wasn’t sure then and I may have doubted it across the years, but now it’s clear. I always have had one. In my 30s I learned an important lesson: sometimes it’s important to [...]

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Why So Serious?

04.27.2011 The life of the mind

Taking yourself and everything you do seriously is important. It is equally important to realize just how funny it all is. Step back, take a look. Hilarious, no? Take a moment today and see if you can discover your inner clown. Red foam nose optional.

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Don’t Try And Remember, Check

04.26.2011 GTD

What was I suppose to remember to bring home? Milk, dry-cleaning, leaf bags? I hate that feeling, standing in the grocery store, racking my brain, trying to remember some key ingredient I know that I’m missing. Or when I’m down in the basement — what was I supposed to bring up, put away, and check on?  [...]

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Making Hard Choices

04.25.2011 The life of the mind

My oldest daughter, Kathleen, is a Jazz bass musician and a very good one. She knew what she wanted to do from the age of 14. And she knew where she wanted to go to college and who she wanted to study with. Everyone agreed, all of her teachers and her mentors, everyone.”Go to Michigan [...]

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