November 2010

Buy My New Book, Please! Writing Assignments eBook and Paperback Now Available

11.30.2010 Books and Literature

This is a big day for me!  I’m very excited to release my new book, Writing Assignments, based on the series I started here at First Today, Then Tomorrow. I’ll try not to overhype this book, but I am very proud of it. It contains many of the assignments I’ve published here and several new [...]

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Product Review: Griffin Stylus For iPad

11.29.2010 gadgets

Something unusual happened the other day: I actually won a contest. This being the age of instant micro-celebrity, I first learned about it when I received cryptic congratulations messages via Twitter. What had I won? A Griffin Stylus and a copy of 37Signals’ Draft iPad app (I’ll review this app next week). I think of [...]

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Writing Assignment: Write A Simple Procedure

11.26.2010 writing

Even the simplest tasks are made up of many separate steps. But because we perform many simple tasks repeatedly and often without thing about what we’re doing, it is easy to forget that each step may be unclear and foreign to someone who has never performed this task. Writers may focus on the sweeping and [...]

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What I’m Thankful For

11.25.2010 blogging

On this Thanksgiving Day I have a lot to be thankful for and I share those personal things with my family and friends. But I am deeply thankful to you. I am grateful that you take a part of your day to read what I publish here. This is more than a hobby or pastime [...]

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A Spend Nothing Game Black Friday Plan

11.24.2010 The Spend Nothing Game

Here in the good old US of A they call the Friday that follows Thanksgiving, “Black Friday.” Why? Because it’s the day that retailers hope to turn their year profitable, from red to black.   And to do that they try and create a frantic rush to their stores with what many think are amazing bargains. [...]

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