The New Yorker

Rewrite Man

01.03.2012 writing

John McNulty is a writer who is largely forgotten today, unknown even by the fairly well-read. His pieces in the New Yorker were jewels, slices of New York life. They were simply perfection. If you love Damon Runyon (and I do), you’ll likely find John McNulty even better, with a more natural command of the [...]

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Magazines, Kindles and iPads — Reading vs. Looking

08.23.2011 Future

I recently participated in an interesting podcast with Iain Broome, Brett Kelly, and the hosts, Myke Hurley and Terry Lucy. You can find it here: episode 69 of The Bro Show. During the discussion we turned to the state of magazine publishing in the digital age. While both talking and listening to the others I had [...]

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iPad Magazine Done Right: The New Yorker App

05.25.2011 Books and Literature

Finally. I’ve been extremely unhappy with the slate of magazine translations to the iPad. I’ve tried several and haven’t found them to be compelling enough to leave behind the print versions. And a big part of that has been the price. The price for iPad magazines has been shockingly high and there’s been no break [...]

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