August 2010

Get Thee To A Library

08.31.2010 Books and Literature

You should make your local library one of the places that you visit regularly. Especially if you’re playing The Spend Nothing Game. I’m fortunate to have an excellent community library near by. The Westerville Public Library is a wonderful place to work in public (which we’ll talk about in Friday’s Writing Assignment) and has an [...]

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Sewer And Water, Fire Departments, Police, And Libraries

08.30.2010 Books and Literature

Life is always a matter of choosing one’s priorities. As an individual, you have only twenty-four hours a day, out of which you really need to take time to sleep. You have limited time and energy, and you can’t do everything. A community is no different in this respect from the individual. There’s only so [...]

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I May Be Wrong Now, But I Don’t Think So

08.27.2010 The life of the mind

Randy Newman is one of my favorite popular songwriters and performers. And a line from one of his songs sticks with me this week as I write about the role of skepticism and science in our personal lives. It’s from his theme song for the TV show “Monk” called “It’s a Jungle Out There.” I’ve [...]

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Keeping Cynicism At Bay

08.26.2010 Art

Many people have difficulty telling a skeptic from a cynic. It’s really very simple. A skeptic doesn’t believe your story until they’ve seen the evidence. A cynic doesn’t believe your story because they’ve been lied to before — or because they’ve lied before to you. It’s very difficult to keep from becoming a hardcore cynic [...]

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Better Living Through Science

08.25.2010 Science

Many people glory in technology and celebrate their improved life experience because of the latest gadgets, pharmaceuticals, and product of all kinds. I myself am one of them. But I’m careful to keep separate those benefits we receive from improvements in technology from the incalculable benefits of science. Science is a set of tools, a [...]

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