March 2010

Why do businesses need to blog and tweet?

03.31.2010 Uncategorized

The Week of Why continues! This may seem a bit like preaching to the choir, but this bears some consideration: why do businesses need to blog and tweet? If you’re a blogger or a heavy Twitter user, you may think it’s obvious. But to many small and medium business owners it is far from clear. [...]

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Why do I have to practice?

03.30.2010 Art

To continue with the Week of Why today we’ll talk about practice. Practice is something that artists, musicians, and athletes know all about. They deeply understand that you will spend the bulk of your time practicing.  Very little of it will you spend performing.  But if you’re not an athlete, a musician, or an artist, you might [...]

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The Week of Why: Why do I have to start at the bottom?

03.29.2010 Business

This week we’ll be answering some big questions. Here’s the list in advance: Why do I have to start at the bottom? Why do I have to practice? Why do businesses need to blog and tweet? Why do I need to read stuff other than blogs and business books? Why do I need a strategic [...]

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Writing Assignment: Description and Details

03.26.2010 Books and Literature

If your goal is to become a better writer, you need to practice. Here’s your writing assignment for today: write a short description focusing on clear details. One of the keys to good writing is the ability to a person, place, or thing and provides enough details to allow the reader to accurately imagine that [...]

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Three Reasons Why You Probably Shouldn’t Buy A Kindle (Or Other Dedicated e-Reader)

03.25.2010 Books and Literature

Yesterday I laid out Three Temporary Advantages of Dedicated e-Readers. Today let’s talk about the Kindle’s disadvantages and why it might be a better idea to purchase the iPad. Amazon is not a computer hardware company. Amazon wants to sell books and other goods. They see the Kindle as a means to an end. The [...]

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