January 2010

Rewriting – The Real Work Of Writing

01.29.2010 Business

This week I’ll be publishing five short posts on the craft of writing. Today: Rewriting – the real work of writing Or stated another way: Writing IS real work. I talk with a lot of people about how they struggle with writing. To them it seems as if writing should be something simple. If everyone [...]

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Old School Editing – Why Paper and a Red Pen Still Work

01.28.2010 Business

This week I’ll be publishing five short posts on the craft of writing. Today: Old School Editing – Why Paper and a Red Pen Still Work One of the most frustrating things that a business writer has to put up with is distributing a new piece for review, begging people to read and comment, and [...]

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500-Word Essays – An Effective Technique You Learned In High School

01.27.2010 Business

This week I’ll be publishing five short posts on the craft of writing. Today: The 500-Word Essay Many people struggle with writing. Clear communication is one of the fundamental tools of good management and many find the act of writing a simple explanatory memo daunting. And now that business owners and “thought leaders” are being [...]

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The Writer’s Log – Track Your Progress To Your Goals

01.26.2010 writing

This week I’ll be publishing five short posts on the craft of writing. Today: The Writer’s Log Discipline is the key to becoming a successful writer. And I find one of most effective ways to keep that discipline is to set goals and track my daily progress in a log. You might be driven enough [...]

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The Writer’s Notebook – Don't Leave Home Without It

01.25.2010 Business

This week I’ll be publishing five short posts on the craft of writing. Today: The Writer’s Notebook Novelist, blogger, marketing or business scribe, poet. It doesn’t matter what kind of writer you are or aspire to be, once you begin to think like a one you’ll find that ideas, phrases, and whole pieces can come [...]

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