September 2009

Approach Things From A Different Angle

09.30.2009 GTD

What do you do when you get stuck on a task? Some push ahead. Others get lost in research. I myself often table the task and come back later. But when you simply must go on right now, I recommend using an old trailblazer trick: climb a tree and get a fresh perspective on the [...]

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Pay Your Customers When You Screw Up

09.29.2009 Business

You want to tie a customer to you forever? Screw up. Every business makes mistakes, but it’s how they treat their customers when they drop the ball that makes the difference. Make the customer jump thru hoops, crawl thru phone trees, and tell them you can’t do anything but say you’re sorry — and they’re [...]

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Gone Fish'n - Back Tomorrow

09.28.2009 Family

I’ve been out fishing for catfish at Rend Lake. I’ll have a fresh post tomorrow!

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Off Topic Friday - FURminator Product Review

09.25.2009 gadgets

My daughter, Jen, volunteers at the Citizens for Humane Action (CHA), a local animal shelter. Not long after starting there, she began raving about the incredible brush they had there, the humourusly named FURminator, which, of course, must be pronounced with your best Arnold Schwarzenegger imitation. But come on, it’s a brush. How good could [...]

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Open Yourself To Criticism And Use It

09.24.2009 marketing

I just read a very nice article on handling criticism by Johnny B. Truant on Copyblogger. It’s got some good points and is worth your time to read. With that in mind, I’d like to suggest a slightly different approach. You don’t need to handle criticism, you need to use criticism. In virtually everything you [...]

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