
Use, Not Utilize

12.05.2011 blogging

Use. Use is the word you want. You use a hammer to drive in a nail. You use the spatula to flip the pancakes. You use the company’s procedures to hire a new assistant. Hammer, spatula, procedures. You don’t utilize any of these things. You use them. Yes, utilize is a word. It’s a perfectly [...]

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I Don’t Just Write, I Translate (& I Speak Only English)

11.01.2011 Business

I’m a professional writer. There’s really only one qualification for that: other people pay you for what you write. You can have any training or background and as long as you can convince someone to pay you for writing, you’re a pro. If you can get paid on a regular basis, you’ll be a successful [...]

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Movies and TV Lied To Us About Life (And Still Do)

04.19.2010 Art

Did you know that, from 1930 through 1968, first movies and then TV were under strict moral regulations about what could and couldn’t be shown? The regulations were known as the Hays code. The code, which was very detailed, had three main principles: No picture shall be produced that will lower the moral standards of [...]

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