Getting Things Done

Simple Productivity Tip Of The Day: Collect Your Thoughts

01.02.2012 GTD

Many people make lists of things to do, but their minds are frequently filled with other thoughts. They’re not all things to do. If you find yourself having a difficult time getting things done, even if you’ve captured all your to-dos, perhaps you need to clear out some other things, too. Try this: sit down, [...]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Close Everything With Alerts

12.14.2011 GTD

The other day I was in the middle of a big writing project and making really good progress, finishing hours of writing, uninterrupted. When I was done I felt great and was surprised to see that I didn’t have any email, no one had mentioned me on Twitter, and no one had tried to get [...]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Move Something Out Of Its Place

12.13.2011 Simple Productivity

Productivity, getting things done, is often about momentum. I find that I accomplish more after I’ve already accomplished something else. I feel great and want to do more. After you break the inertia of doing little or nothing, accomplishing something starts the ball rolling, and once started, it may be hard to slow you down. [...]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Delete Something From Your To-Do List

11.17.2011 GTD

This is one of the most powerful tools in helping yourself get things done: delete things from your to-do list. I didn’t say to check them off as completed. I said delete them. If you make long lists of things to do, you probably have things on that list that don’t really need to be [...]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Reorganize One Bookshelf

11.16.2011 Books and Literature

When I am at a loss for what to do next it’s typically not because I have nothing to do. It’s more likely that I have too many things to do. My mind is a jumble. I’m uncertain. It seems like it’s better to do nothing than that impossible list. When things need sorting out [...]

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