God, it’s hard.
I’m sick of the commercials, the phone calls, and the junk mail. Not to mention the lies, the hyperbole, and the constant haranguing.
But I’m not entering the fray. I’m not adding to the nonsense.
Politics, religion, and sex are all topics that are best avoided at the office or during a dinner party and I’m following that rule here.
But it’s hard to not react to all of this.
So, I’ll just ask you these questions: When you hear all of the hate and predicted doom being spewed out, who do you think is paying for all of this? Who will benefit if their selected candidate wins? Why are they so anxious?
It ain’t because of their civic pride, I’ll tell you that. People who are spending this kind of money aren’t doing it because of some personal ideal. They’re spending because they have something big to gain or lose.
And you and me, partner, are pretty much screwed when any rich and powerful interests dominates what should be a simple conversation about how we want to live together.
But I’m not getting into it.
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Thanks, Randy. Without getting into it you’ve successfully exposed the blatant hypocrisy of the situation for those unable to recognize it..
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