Required Listening: And Now For Something Entirely Different: Animusic

by Randy Murray on February 1, 2012

This Required Listening contribution is from Penny Mattern. In today’s recommendation she make case for an original musical and visual work in what may become a significant future musical genre.


A friend of mine some years ago, a software engineer, told me about a video he had seen and had been mightily impressed by, named Pipe Dreams. Not only was it visually and musically clever on its face, but to him, the real clincher was that the animation was written to be driven by the music.

While Animusic and Animusic 2, DVD albums of music animation, were being developed, there were, as I understand it, basically two guys behind the effort: one who wrote the music and the animation software, and one who conceived and produced the graphics, instruments, motions, etc.

Read more about Animusic and the two albums at

While I don’t know whose job was the more difficult, I do know that I love these albums. They are not just novelties, they are not just ‘music videos,’ they are something more, something worth seeing and hearing.

Please, find and buy or borrow these albums and listen to them and watch them. It’s a visual experience and a musical one. Each piece is different musically and visually. Astonishing, amazing, must see and hear.

You can download and play two HD pieces from Animusic 2 here.


More Required Listening

The Required Listening: And Now For Something Entirely Different: Animusic by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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