More than a few communities are beginning to deemphasize, privatize, or close their libraries, claiming that they’re no longer needed or wanted. Some use the specious argument: “we just can’t afford it ” when they really mean, “we don’t’ want to pay for it.”
And some are saying “Libraries aren’t needed any more. We don’t need book warehouses now that we have digital and online books.” They couldn’t be more wrong.
For some time now I’ve been having conversations about libraries and librarians with my editor, Penny Mattern. Penny, in addition to being a truly gifted editor, has also been a professional librarian for over four decades. She holds a Master of Science in Librarianship from Simmons College, Boston, one of the country’s leading library programs, and for many years trained librarians in digital cataloging, computer-based searching, and interlibrary loan.
She knows what she is talking about.
That’s why I’m turning over the reins to Penny for some guest posts on this subject. They will appear now and again in these pages.
I’m hoping that you’ll read them, take part in the conversation, and take action to help save your local library. Once gone, it’s irreplaceable. It’s your and your children’s resource and heritage and a part vital part of your community.

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