First, an announcement: More Writing Assignments, a second volume of collected Writing Assignments, will be published later this year (that’s the working title for now). More Writing Assignments will include a full series of previously uncollected Writing Assignments and a special section of essays on the art and craft of writing. If you enjoyed my first book, I think you’ll like this one even more.
And here’s your chance to be a part of the new book: send me your suggestion for a new Writing Assignment! If I choose your suggestion, I’ll create a Writing Assignment based upon it AND I’ll send you an autographed copy of the book when it’s published!
But you’ll have to hurry. Send me your suggestion no later than October 19th. I’ll announce the winners on this site. Everlasting fame and glory could be yours (or at least a free book). Leave your suggested assignment in the comments or send an email to pub at First Today Press Dot Com.
If you haven’t read the first one, the original Writing Assignments, this would be an excellent time to pick up a copy!
{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
What fun! More Writing Assignments, YES! Here’s one to ponder…Finally, a well-deserved three week vacation, but there’s too much going on at home to leave your house unattended. You’ve decided to hire a house sitter and need to leave detailed instructions for taking care of your geriatric cat, your puppy, the fish, the indoor plants, the vegetable garden, etc. without sounding like you expect your house sitter to work 24/7.
A couple more ideas…1) It’s thirty years since your high school graduation. You just heard of your favorite teacher’s retirement. Write a letter letting your favorite teacher know the magnitude of her/his impact on your life. 2) Compare and contrast two aromas. Describe one using only positive adjectives, the other using only negative descriptions.
BTW - you’ve already got one on the book.