A Required Post On Cats And Why You Need To Take A Break

by Randy Murray on March 1, 2010

Del helps out.

I have been informed that all daily bloggers as well as newspaper columnists are required by law to post at least once every three months about their pets. I have not been able to locate the specific ordinance, but why take chances?

I spend most mornings from 7 AM until noon at my desk. It’s easy to get lost in writing, doing work for clients, and responding to email and tweets. But at least twice a morning I get a visit from Del, one of our two cats. He comes in, complains loudly, and does a strange little quivering dance beside my chair. He wants attention and won’t take no for an answer. If I don’t stop and pet him right away, he’ll start head-butting my legs and chair.

Sandy help Jen concentrate.

Sandy, the other cat, is subtler. He just jumps up on the desk and stands in front of my screen. But both have a good point. It’s time to take a break. Many people have the problem of too many distractions, but no distractions can be a problem as well.

Any task that takes a high degree of focus and attention can be draining. Even a brief break, a walk around the room, up and down a flight of stairs, just a moment or two away from the screen can help you reset and review before diving in again. I find it can let me step away from my task just enough to know if I’m on the right path or to chuck it and start over.

You might not have helpful creatures like Sandy and Del (Sandusky and Delaware) to help remind you when it’s time for a break, but find a way – use a calendar reminder or alarm, whatever works for you. Give yourself permission, once an hour or so to step away, let your mind rest, and restart again.

And pet the cat.

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1 Lucinda Sage-Midgorden March 1, 2010 at 11:18 am

I don’t have a cat anymore but my hips tell me when I’ve been sitting too long in front of the computer and need a break.


2 Randy Murray March 1, 2010 at 11:38 am

Getting old is a bitch, ain’t it?

My back does the same thing, but I find by the time I realize it, the pain has set in and it’s too late. It’s better if I get up once every hour or so.

Which reminds me - time for a break!



3 Mari March 1, 2010 at 12:21 pm

Pets bring all sorts of remarkable common sense into our lives. With mine dearly departed, I’ve resorted to using a thirty minute timer during periods of utter engrossment. Used to be I could barely get thirty uninterrupted working minutes!
How ’bout a photo op for your next required pet post? :)


4 Randy Murray March 1, 2010 at 1:21 pm

Now updated with pics!


5 Mari March 1, 2010 at 2:17 pm

(You knew that was coming, didn’tchya?)


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