
Modern Marketing 101: What Is Content Marketing?

06.18.2014 blogging

Content is all of the stuff you see and hear. It’s the images, sounds, and words on your site. Easy, right? Content Marketing is just what we’ve always been doing. Not so much. For the most part, Google only really cares about the words*. So yes, having video can be very effective, but having really […]

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Google Without Advertising

05.06.2014 Business

Google is a gigantic advertising sales company. That’s pretty much where all of their revenue comes from. They make cool stuff that you and I think is free, collect up all of the personal data about us, and then sell that information to others along with advertisements that they’ll bombard us with. They make lots and lots […]

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Marketing vs. Advertising

05.05.2014 Business

Here it is, in its most basic form: Marketing is all of the work (design, writing, strategy, automation, the whole kit-and-kaboodle) that you do to promote something to others to cause some action. In business the desired action is for someone to give you money. Advertising is a small subset of marketing. Advertising is when […]

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Copywriting Secrets Learned From Playwrighting: All You Have Is Words

02.06.2014 blogging

One of the biggest problems with a lot of copy I see written for businesses is that it’s so damn boring. The layout and graphics and images might be really well done, but the actual words, the things that people will read, are ineffective and uninteresting. Why? Because writing it is treated as something unimportant. […]

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Greeks And Gift Horses

06.05.2012 blogging

Long car trips, especially when I’m driving for hours on end, result in interesting trains of thought. A passing comment, probably heard on the radio, left me pondering two separate expressions that have to do with horses. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Why shouldn’t you look a […]

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