First Today, Then Tomorrow

Practical thoughts on living today & for a very different tomorrow.

Modern Marketing 101: A Fresh Coat Of Paint Hides Nothing

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A fresh coat of paint will cover a host of ills, but it will not cure them.

Today’s consumer, from the retail shopper to the business buyer, is becoming very, VERY sophisticated. By the time a person has reached adulthood in the US they are likely to have seen hundreds of hours of professionally made films, thousands upon thousands of hours of top quality television, and an unknowable amount of web sites and interactive game play.

They know the good stuff from the bad and have a highly trained nose for crap.

Do you think that a new banner on your site and maybe a few new colors will do the trick to increase sales?

In today’s market “good enough” ain’t good enough. Freak’n amazing is barely good enough.

And so I challenge you. Spend a few minutes visiting all of your favorite places on the web and then take a fresh look at your site.

You be the judge. Is it good enough to bring in the sales that you need?


More Modern Marketing 101.

Modern Marketing 101: A Fresh Coat Of Paint Hides Nothing by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Written by Randy Murray

July 7th, 2014 at 8:00 am

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