
Your Perspective Can Kill (Or Make You Appear A Pigheaded Fool)

01.13.2011 The life of the mind

One of the things that can drive me to distraction, even real anger, is to encounter someone who has a narrow, fixed, and unvarying perspective on the world. Understanding your perspectives is not only critical to reasoned thought, but the thinker who does not understand that personal perspective is precisely that: personal and only a [...]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Wash Your Car

09.21.2010 GTD

Today’s simple task has two aspects. It’s designed to help you break from frustrations and logjams of too many things to do as well as accomplish something real and useful. It also counts as a Spend Nothing Game activity. Go and wash your car. Or your bike or motorcycle or Segway scooter or whatever other [...]

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Notes From The Road: Driving In NYC

04.16.2010 Travel

I was only screamed at and flipped off once in my last trip into New York City, so I think that qualifies me as a seasoned city driver. Here are some helpful tips if you decide to venture into the city with your automobile. Driving in Manhattan isn’t that difficult. Traffic moves well and the [...]

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