February 2011

What’s So Great About Being Productive?

02.28.2011 GTD

Why do you want to be so productive? I’m serious. Take a moment and ask yourself what it is that you want that makes being productive so necessary? What makes you spend so much time and energy thinking and worrying about it? That may sound strange to you, but again, I’m serious. Stop and think [...]

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Writing Assignment: Complete This Sentence

02.25.2011 writing

Sometimes to get started writing all you need is a little push. That’s the overall purpose of Writing Assignments, but sometimes it takes something with a bit more point. In music, an unresolved phrase builds tension. The same thing can happen with an unfinished sentence. The writer will naturally want to resolve the tension they [...]

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You Are Not Responsible For Other People’s Productivity

02.24.2011 Business

Productivity is a completely personal pursuit. You cannot and should not take on the responsibility for someone else. I’ve tried, and quickly learned, that one cannot and should not attempt to include your spouse or your children in your current productivity plans. The best that I’ve been able to manage is to have everyone put [...]

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100 Pushups: The Triumph Of The Unlikely Over The Impossible

02.23.2011 GTD

Last week, looking to give my workouts a little variety, and in a fit of apparent madness, I started the 100-pushup challenge. It’s exactly what it sounds like: work through a 6-week process until I can do 100 hundred pushups in one continuous session. At first glance, success is completely unlikely, and, therefore, it’s what I’m [...]

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Using the iPad For Business Travel: It’s a Matter Of Power

02.22.2011 Business

Last night I boarded the plane after a long day with clients. I started to settle into the aisle seat when the man behind me said, “Don’t sit down.” I stood back up, dropped my iPad in my seat and let him slide by me. “Do you want me to stow that for you?” I [...]

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