December 2010

Happy New Year

12.31.2010 writing

2011 That will take some getting used to. But ready or not, here it is. The new year is upon us. So much potential. So much to do. What lies behind is only memory. What comes next is uncertain. But now, right now. Ah, that’s the hard part. Tonight I’ll raise a glass for friends [...]

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Happy Dumpster Day!

12.30.2010 Business

This might just be an excellent day to throw it all away. I’ve written about Dumpster Day before and I think it bears repeating: every now an then, at least once a year, you need to clear the decks, get rid of everything that’s not needed, and reset all of your systems, lists, and plans. [...]

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No Resolutions But One

12.29.2010 The life of the mind

This is the time of year when many people make lists: of resolutions, of things they want to accomplish, of things that they want to change about themselves, and of things that they want to stop doing, the things they want to eliminate from their lives. This year I’m making only one resolution: In the [...]

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Will (or Should) Magazines Resist Digitization By Their Very Nature?

12.28.2010 Books and Literature

There have been a lot of heated arguments over the past year about the eventual fate of the entire magazine industry in the digital world. And through it all, I’m not sure I’m reading or hearing anything that really addresses the fundamental function of magazines. Many are fighting the high costs of production and plummeting [...]

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Writing Assignment: One Paragraph Per Day

12.27.2010 writing

Since this is the final full week of the year I’d like to offer a special Writing Assignment. This one is more open-ended than my usual assignments. But it might help you break through some of the barriers that make it difficult for you to achieve what you want to do as a writer. Walter [...]

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