
Write Sleepy

10.16.2014 writing

Write sleepy. Write when your mind cries out to be turned off. Your dozy state may let you circumvent that cumbersome editor who insists that you slow down and get things write. You will make mistakes. Let the errors and typos stand and right on. While you struggle and yawn you can ignore that complaining, nay-saying voice, […]

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Writing Assignment: Write About Getting Out Of Bed

01.31.2014 writing

One of the most distinctive personal experiences is how one gets up and out of bed after a night’s sleep (or whatever time of day you sleep). My wife prefers to let the alarm go off, then to drowse for fifteen or twenty minutes before getting up. I immediately throw back the covers, stand up, […]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Take A Nap

07.30.2013 Simple Productivity

Sleep is more than just a restorative for a weary body. It is the process that our brains use to sort and store memories and information and to repair the body. You are lying to yourself if you say, “I need to sleep less to get more done.” The opposite is what’s true: you’ll get […]

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One Third Of Your Life

07.04.2012 Health and Fitness

You spend a full third of your life in bed. Or you should. Sleep and rest are vital, critical parts of a peak performing life. I frequently fall short of my full third and I almost always regret it. I feel better, perform better, when I sleep fully and well. It is with this in […]

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As I Lay Me Down To Sleep-How Writers Can Harness Near-Dreams

03.08.2012 writing

As a writer, capturing fleeting ideas is a matter of practice, process, and habit. And among the most difficult times to do that is as I drift off to sleep. I rarely have trouble falling asleep. I’m told that this is a sign of sleep depravation. I’m not sure about that, but it rarely takes […]

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