
When Minimal Isn’t Enough

12.16.2013 Minimal

Minimalism isn’t about having or doing the very least. It’s about having or doing things simply, when simple is best. I enjoy simplicity, but I also dearly enjoy extravagance and blowing the top off when it’s called for. You can watch a movie on your phone, but in my opinion you are not practicing minimalism […]

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The Higher Calling Of Art

10.07.2013 Art

I am an artist. I am a writer and playwright. My two daughters are artists. One is a musician and the other a painter. I know many artists at many different stages of their development. When I hear an artist bemoan the fact that they can’t make a living doing their art I understand what […]

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When Inspiration Strikes

05.14.2013 Theater

Playwrighting is hard work. Over the past few years, while working on multiple other projects, I’ve been researching and planning for a big new play, one that I think has real potential for production and audience interest. I have an entire shelf stacked with research. I’ve filled notebooks. I’ve had it playing in my mind, […]

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Useless Knowledge

05.13.2013 The life of the mind

There’s no such thing as useless knowledge. There are depths of trivia that can startle and worry those who haven’t thought about a subject. “That’s not important,” they say. “How could you possibly use that?” And yet, knowledge, any knowledge, understanding how things work, why they work, and what may be possible, is incredibly, amazingly […]

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Writing Assignment: Review A Shakespeare Play

03.01.2013 Theater

I’ve had fun writing this week’s series, “Brush Up Your Shakespeare.” Now it’s time for you to do some writing. Writing reviews is a more difficult task than most people think. Everyone has an opinion about the things that they see. But that doesn’t mean that they have the ability to think critically about plays […]

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