
Libraries: The Local Office For The Internet

03.06.2012 Future

During the recent successful fight to stop the SOPA initiative, I was struck by two things: the Internet community can be very effective and mobilized extremely rapidly AND we need to do more of that. It’s easy to pat ourselves on the back and claim victory, but it’s never that easy. The forces that wanted [...]

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Clear It All Out

01.05.2012 GTD

So much stuff. This time of year when we’re still clearing away the boxes and torn wrapping paper I’m faced again with what to do with the new stuff. The answer is simple: get rid of some old stuff. My wife bought me some new wooden kitchen utensils. I keep the ones I use daily [...]

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Writing Assignment: The Writing Dumpster

12.30.2011 writing

Here is your final writing assignment of the year and the end of this round of writers’ workshop: clean up your writing life. I typically recommend that everyone use the final business day of the calendar year as Dumpster Day. It’s an excellent way to clear away the clutter and prepare one’s self for a [...]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Reorganize One Bookshelf

11.16.2011 Books and Literature

When I am at a loss for what to do next it’s typically not because I have nothing to do. It’s more likely that I have too many things to do. My mind is a jumble. I’m uncertain. It seems like it’s better to do nothing than that impossible list. When things need sorting out [...]

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Happy Dumpster Day!

12.30.2010 Business

This might just be an excellent day to throw it all away. I’ve written about Dumpster Day before and I think it bears repeating: every now an then, at least once a year, you need to clear the decks, get rid of everything that’s not needed, and reset all of your systems, lists, and plans. [...]

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