Really Good Reasons Why Not To Write—#5 Too Many Other Things To Do

08.11.2014 writing

There are so many things to do. Important things. Urgent things. Things that others really need you to do. You should probably do those things. You’ll feel better when you get them done and then you’ll be able to relax and write.     Or you could just write. Like this:Like Loading…

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Writing Assignment: Write About Your Dream Vacation

08.08.2014 writing

Ah summer! The traditional time for a vacation. Even if you can’t take a vacation right now, you can dream about it. Where do you dream of going? What will you do there? What do you think it will feel like to go to this place? And what will you experience? A large part of […]

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Really Good Reasons Why Not To Write—#4 To Wired To Write Well

08.07.2014 writing

Can’t sit still. Filled with energy. This is the time to get up and DO SOMETHING! Excellent idea. Go do something. Why waste all this energy sitting by yourself in a room.     Or you could just write. Like this:Like Loading…

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Really Good Reasons Why Not To Write—#3 Too Tired To Write Well

08.06.2014 writing

It is exceptionally difficult to think clearly when you’re tired. And to write well, you must think clearly. Too tired? Weary? Can’t focus. All good reasons. Get some sleep. Maybe watch some TV and relax.   Or you could just write. Like this:Like Loading…

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Really Good Reasons Why Not To Write—#2 More Research Required

08.05.2014 writing

Writing is not easy. Sometimes the writer must spend a lot of time researching their topics before they can write. Researching is writing, isn’t it? Yes, it’s a part of the process. It’s a perfectly reasonable excuse to say that you’re doing research instead of sitting at your desk writing.   Or you could just […]

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