
They Just Don’t Get it: WATCH ABC

05.28.2014 Product Reviews

I love my Apple TV, but I struggle to see the purpose of some of the apps there. For instance, WATCH ABC. At first glance it’s a terrific idea: watch ABC network shows on demand! If only. First: if you aren’t a cable network subscriber, you can’t use the app. That’s a real slap in […]

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Writing Assignment: Write Your ABCs

01.17.2014 writing

One of the first things that most of us learned in the process of becoming writers was how to write our ABCs. They’re the building blocks of our language, but they’re also part of the fundamental experience of the act of writing. We are making shapes and these shapes have meaning. When we master these […]

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Writing Assignment: Practice Your ABCs

06.08.2012 Writing Assignments

When you are struggling to answer the question “what should I write about?” it’s sometimes helpful to ask an alternative question:  How will I write? When using a puzzle or structure as a basis for writing you can free yourself from the concerns about your subject and first focus on achieving a specific goal. After […]

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