
And Now I Must Remember

09.03.2012 Family

As I write this I’m preparing to journey back to my home territory and attend the funeral of my Aunt Glenna. She passed quickly, just one day after Neil Armstrong died. She was one year younger than he was, 81, and had seen many great things in her life, Neil’s trip to the moon one […]

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A Week At Sea Level

07.24.2012 Family

If I were put in charge of the world (a very bad idea, if you were to ask me), I’d decree that each human capable of the trip should spend at least two weeks every year at sea level, preferably at the edge of an ocean (one of the Great Lakes can do in a […]

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Your Last Message

07.19.2012 Family

This is more advice to myself than to anyone else. Of all the things that we carry, the bits and pieces that help to get us through the day, I sometimes wonder what the people who are required to sift through these things think about us when one of us is struck down in the […]

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Almost Didn’t Happen

05.03.2012 Family

I’ve heard history described as “the story of things that almost didn’t happen.” It’s very easy to look back at the past and see an inevitability, a purpose. But if you look closely that purpose evaporates, pops like the thin soap bubble it is. There are so many near misses in history that it’s amazing […]

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Social, But Not Completely Open

01.23.2012 Business

It’s very simple: complete transparency is a mistake. You are not one person. My fellow home theater enthusiasts aren’t really interested in my literary pursuits or my political beliefs. My customers aren’t particularly interested in the latest addition to my home theater or my enthusiasm for Apple products (or the stock!). And the whole world […]

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