
And Whiskey

04.08.2014 Health and Fitness

Add whiskey to hot water, lemon, and honey and you have the classic Hot Toddy. It might sound like a drink for little old ladies. If so, they’re my kind of gals. While I typically do not indulge in alcohol during the working day, when a cold or the flu hits, there are no restrictions. […]

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Whisky Assignments: Training Wheels

11.12.2012 Food and Cooking

If you’ve followed my advice and purchased a VERY expensive bottle of whisky, you’ll need something else that’s less expensive and hopefully easier to learn to enjoy sooner. And to do that, especially for Americans, I recommend starting out with bourbon. Bourbon is an American form of whisky, born in Kentucky. Bourbon can be sweeter […]

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Whisky Assignments: Why Whisky?

11.05.2012 Food and Cooking

You need to practice and be trained to write well. That’s why I created Writing Assignments. I also believe that you need to practice and be trained to eat and drink with an adult palate. In this series I’ll help you to learn truly experience, not just to appreciate, what is perhaps the most adult beverage: […]

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Sweet Potato Pie

12.07.2011 Food and Cooking

Today’s recipe is a guest post contribution from Mari Baskin.   A few years ago I inherited our family Thanksgiving dinner preparations. My family has never been a big fan of pumpkin or sweet potatoes, but I was intrigued by whether I could create an affinity for either one. Pie making was hands down the […]

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