Writing Assignment: Write Your Final Message

by Randy Murray on July 20, 2012

It’s happened. You’ve been hit by the proverbial bus. You are not stunned, resting, or pining for the fjords. You’re an ex-person.

But you’ve prepared for this. In your pocket or in your trusty bag you’ve left a final message.

Good thing you read yesterday’s post.

For today’s assignment, write your final message.

You may either write a short, heartfelt goodbye and declaration of your love and friendship, or you can write a full set of instructions.

You do, of course, have a full last will and testament, properly prepared by a lawyer and stored safely (if you do not have such a thing, this task needs to go to the top of your todo list. Seriously). With your will finished you don’t have to worry about the legal requirements. Your final message isn’t to your executor or legal representation. This message is to your friends, family, and loved ones.

There’s a bus barreling down the highway at all of us. Take a few minutes today, do this writing assignment, and consider repeating it frequently. Writing these messages will help you to better express your full emotions and make each message iteration that you write fresh, true, and complete.

Click here to view and complete previous writing assignments.

And buy a copy of the Writing Assignments book!

The Writing Assignment: Write Your Final Message by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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