A Week At Sea Level

by Randy Murray on July 24, 2012

If I were put in charge of the world (a very bad idea, if you were to ask me), I’d decree that each human capable of the trip should spend at least two weeks every year at sea level, preferably at the edge of an ocean (one of the Great Lakes can do in a pinch, but nothing smaller, please).

There’s something incredibly soothing about time spent oceanside: the roaring surf, the endless horizon, the mystery. It’s been a very important part of our family life for the last 23 years, the entire lives of my children to this point. It’s a time for relaxing, being out doors, reading many good books, swimming, walking, and simply melting into the surroundings.

We’ve always spent just one week, but the other little trips, including to places like New York City, can count if you spend some time at the edge of the island looking out across the water. My oldest now lives in Manhattan and my youngest is at school in Rhode Island, just minutes from the ocean. They spend the bulk of their days at sea level. Living here in Ohio (about 1,000 feet above sea level) is too far from the ocean’s edge. This prairie farm boy dreams of the sound of the surf.

You don’t need me to become the universal dictator to take advantage of this prescription. It’s worked wonders for us. Try it for yourself.

The A Week At Sea Level by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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