
The Writer’s Life: Courage

04.05.2012 blogging

Even in these economically difficult times, it is easier to take a job, to work in an office or factory and to collect a paycheck, than it is to pursue the much more difficult path of living as an artist. Becoming an artist, a writer, is a courageous thing. You can’t be realistic and be [...]

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Management Essentials: No Busy Work

02.27.2012 Business

“Do something to look busy.” Don’t do this. When you work with your staff, give them guidelines and encourage them, but never, ever, give “busy work.” If you tell people to look busy or create an environment in which you give out unpleasant and unnecessary tasks when there’s not enough work, you’ll end up creating [...]

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Management Essentials: How To Manage, Lead, and Succeed In Today’s Workplace

02.13.2012 Business

Here is a shameful truth about today’s business environment: the vast majority of the people who manage others and operate businesses have had no training and very little assistance in learning the basics of management. Good management skills are too often thought of as natural personal qualities. If you’re good at a job, you’ll be [...]

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Be Careful What You Publish

11.29.2011 blogging

Thank god the internet didn’t go public until I was an adult. There’s no online record of all of the stupid or dangerous or immature things I did in high school or college. Yes, some people may remember these things, but they’re damn liars. As they say, “Pictures or it didn’t happen.” It’s a different [...]

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Trajectory - How Steve Jobs Changed Everything

10.06.2011 Art

When I read the news of Steve Jobs passing last night, read it, in fact, on Twitter, I sighed, then put my iPhone away. I’d expected to hear of Steve Jobs passing at any time, but I was still surprised at the depth of my feelings at his passing. I never met the man, but [...]

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