Five Writing Tasks For May - Task 4: Enlist A Writing Coach

by Randy Murray on May 10, 2012

Of all of the people that you share your plans with you’ll likely find someone you know who already possesses the skill and mastery that you desire. Ask this person to be your coach for this specific program.

Where can you find a writing coach? Look for local writing groups and join one (or look for one online). You local librarian may be able to recommend one. If you have a nearby college, consider taking a class and looking for a coach there.

If they say yes, repay them by working hard at your task.

If you succeed and grow stronger as a writer, pay them back again by becoming the coach for someone else.


More Writing Tasks For May.


The Five Writing Tasks For May - Task 4: Enlist A Writing Coach by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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