The Writer’s Life: Rejection

by Randy Murray on April 9, 2012

Rejection is not criticism. Rejection is complete and to the point, “I don’t want this.”

And you, as a writer, must come to terms with rejection as a part of your writing life.

Even the most successful writers face rejection. And not only at the beginning of their writing life. Rejection is possible at any moment, for any author.

Not everything you write is a fit for the place you send it for publication. Even if you publish on your own, you may not, will not, find an audience for everything.

You must accept rejection, but you must also not give up or give into it. Rejection is a matter of not delivering on the potential of your material, not having found the right place, the right audience. As a writer, if you believe in your material, you must try again.

Or wait and try again later.

Expect rejection and celebrate that moment when you do, finally, succeed and find an audience.


More on The Writer’s Life

The The Writer’s Life: Rejection by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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