Successful Content Marketing: Publish On Your Site—Have Conversations Elsewhere

by Randy Murray on November 20, 2013

One of the biggest things that keeps businesses from taking advantage of content marketing is the fear of comments and complaints.

There’s an easy solution to that: don’t permit comments.

On the other hand, one of the most valuable parts of content marketing is the conversations that can be inspired by the material you publish. You need those conversations.

How can you protect your organization from trolls, people hell-bent on tearing things down, as well as unwarranted complaints, AND have the conversations that can carry your messages to a wider audience?

Have those conversations somewhere else.

Where? I recommend using Twitter. That can keep comments short and spread the word to a wider audience. If you find someone, a customer, for example, who has something really interesting to contribute, invite them to write a longer piece that you can publish in full on your site. That’s a win all around.

And when you get complaints, address them swiftly. That means you need your customer service department completely tuned into both social media and your content marketing efforts.

Letting people comment directly on your articles and then deleting or editing those comments is problematic. You’ll get cries of “censorship!” quickly. But take that conversation somewhere else and you can let the abusive comments fall away and participate with the others who have valuable things to say. They’ll probably inspire more things for you to write about in your content marketing efforts.

Plan for the conversation and participate in it. That’s what makes content marketing such an exciting marketing tool.

Successful Content Marketing: Publish On Your Site—Have Conversations Elsewhere by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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