Writing Assignment: Write About A Day Of Work

by Randy Murray on October 11, 2013

We all have work to do. Even the student has their day of study and classes. But all of our days are different. It’s how we see our day of work, how we think about it and react to our tasks that make each day of work our own.

Even in a day spent on the assembly line there are differences, changes, challenges. Even in drudgery there are things of interest for the writer.

I know. I’ve spent thousands of hours on the backs of gigantic tractors, been burned by the sun, and blasted by the diesel exhaust, all while making endless trips back and forth across acres and acres of pancake-flat fields. I know the days of work that start before dawn and end after dusk. I know weariness and exhaustion and I know the call of the blaring alarm to rise and start again.

Part of this experience, a big part, is what has made me a writer. It wasn’t to escape the work, but to set down in words the things I think of while working.

For today’s assignment, write a short essay about your day of work. Write about today or yesterday, but no other days—they’re too far gone for proper recall. Your future days of work are uncertain. Write about this day. Spend time accumulating the details of the work you have done, how you accomplished the tasks, and what level of focus you were required to spend on them. Where were your thoughts? What helped you move forward and what held you back?

Do not try and make your work, your day, any more interesting that it really was. Present your day of work as it was. Let the work stand on it’s own. Focus on the work, not on your social activities and interactions. Let your work speak for itself.

When you have finished your essay review it and see if this day of work is one you’d want to repeat. You are encouraged to write a short analysis afterwards to determine if your work was successful or how you’ll need to alter your coming work days.

Let the work speak for itself, but let your future days of work be influenced by what you’ve written.

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