
Reviewed: The Loop iPod Nano Watch Band

03.01.2012 gadgets

I recently wrote about prototyping the future by wearing an iPod Nano as a watch and reviewed the LunaTik RedRun band. I’m still wearing the LunaTik RedRun. But the people at Loop sent me one of their watch bands to try out and I gave it a go. It may be a better alternative for [...]

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Writing Assignment: Defend Your Favorite Album

01.13.2012 Listening

Your favorite band sucks. Music can be a way of defining your personality or of including yourself in a larger group. But start talking about music and what you’ll also quickly discover is that others may dismiss or attack your musical loves. People will judge you based upon your musical choices. Don’t worry, I won’t. [...]

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Required Listening: Great Music Albums You May Be Missing From Your Favorite Genre

01.04.2012 Listening

Are you an educated listener? Or are you like one of those picky eaters, someone who can and will only eat hot dogs and mac and cheese? Educated listeners and music lovers, even those with very narrow musical interests, can know and  appreciate the definitive classics in their favorite genre. If you don’t explore, it’s [...]

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