Solve Problems By Not Solving Them

04.01.2014 Business

When friends are struggling with a seemingly insurmountable problems I often tell them this old joke: Question: How do you get down off an elephant? Answer: You don’t. You get down off a duck. And the usual reply is a frown and a puzzled “I don’t get it.” The joke has two important components: the […]

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Simple Productivity Task Of The Day: Put Away Business and Self-Help Books

03.24.2014 Business

Business books bore me. So do diet books, learn how to get rich books, improve yourself in three easy steps books. Eventually, you will, as I have, come to a simple realization: reading books like these are a form of procrastination. Put these books away. Take a deep breath. And just do the work.

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The Bad For You Cafe—Occasional Indulgence & Excess

03.17.2014 Food and Cooking

Sometimes I think of opening a diner. I’d call it “The Bad For You Cafe.” On the menu would be a whole range of comfort foods and indulgences. Biscuits and gravy. Chicken fried steak. Mac and cheese (with emphasis on cheese). Everything that one might crave and swear to never eat again. If you want […]

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Dumpster Day: A Productive Way To Spend New Year’s Eve

12.31.2013 GTD

There are a few days, just a few, scattered across the year, when people in offices and working at home are required to be on the job or feel as if they should be working, but there’s really very little that can be done. When that happens, as it very well might today, declare that […]

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Strike The Bell And Turn The Glass: Using 30 Minute Writing & Work Intervals

10.14.2013 GTD

On a recent trip to the Atlantic shore I found the thirty minute hour glass that I’d been looking for. It’s simple and elegant and it is the only thing that I place on the upper shelf of my standing desk next to my laptop. I’m a big, big fan of the novels of Patrick […]

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