Marketers, Start Your Engines. Begin Your 2015 Planning Today

by Randy Murray on August 27, 2014

Ah, August, the dog days of summer. It’s such a relaxing time.

But not if you’re serious about your marketing. This is the time to begin plotting out your 2015 marketing strategies.

Why? Because it takes time to plot out a full strategy, boil that down into tactics, and to build a budget around all of it.

And if you want programs ready to roll in January, you’ll need to start executing them on October 1, at the latest. That means getting very busy in August.

Even more, an expert marketer never stops planning, revising, and rebuilding their efforts. You can’t just make one big push and see what happens and expect consistent results and ongoing sales. The best marketing is made up of serial effort. Stop to look around, pause your marketing for as little as one month, and you’ll find that you’re creating holes in your sales pipelines as quickly as three months out. And it takes time to rebuild those efforts and refill those pipelines.

The kids are going back to school. And it’s time for you to get to work, too. What will 2015 look like for you and your marketing efforts?

Marketers, Start Your Engines. Begin Your 2015 Planning Today by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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