Live Your Present

by Randy Murray on May 30, 2012

When I talk to other writers I’m sometimes struck by how much they talk about the things they want to write, sometime, when they have time. Or when they learn more. Or when the stars align properly.

Let me tell you this: you only have today to write.

Yes, you can be busy. I’m so busy right now with business clients, with life events, and with creative projects that I . . . Well, let’s just say that I’m busy.

And it’s terrific.

I’m sitting in this chair too many hours, and my back hurts, my shoulders and neck, too, but I’m also learning to write standing. I’m getting physical therapy (which does wonders), and I’m sticking to my workout routine, even though that takes up time as well. I spend more than a little time reworking my calendar and my project lists every day.

And I’m making an effort not to get lost in all of this. Today, this moment, is all that I have. This is where I write, but it’s also where I live. And living is where the writing comes from.

That project you’ve been thinking about? Stop putting it off. Sure, you’re busy. Yes, you need to know more. But pick up your pen and start writing. You’ll discover what you need to know. You’ll make the time.

And you’ll learn how writers don’t always withdraw from the world. Sometimes, most times, we’re busy living, too.

The Live Your Present by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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Michelle May 30, 2012 at 10:59 pm

Thankyou for the timely reminder! I get so busy daydreaming about being a published author that I completely forget that I have to finish the book first. Going to turn off the internet, right now, and go and write something.


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