Reading, Not Surfing

by Randy Murray on March 30, 2011

The universe is filled with endlessly fascinating things. You could spend all of your days jumping from one thing to the next. And you can spend hours here and there surfing from topic to topic.

Or you can spend an hour reading, exploring something in depth.

Some claim that “blogging is dead” or that books and magazines are dead forms. I think not. An hour surfing the net leaves me feeling as if I’ve gorged myself on junk food. I’m jittery, dazed. An hour reading leaves me satisfied, alert, and energized.

I can boil it down to this: A really good idea deserves more space, more exploration, than 140 characters can convey.

I find that my time nowadays on the net is spent reading blogs and following up on tweets that offer substance, stories, and depth. I’m a proud subscriber to The New Yorker and I closely read Cook’s Illustrated when it shows up in the mail. And I simply cannot live without books. Right now I’m devouring George R. R. Martin’s Song of Ice And Fire saga (and nearly finished with “The Clash of Kings”, the second volume, at this writing).

I find as I read at length I making better and deeper connections, I want to know more about what the author thinks and cares about. That’s why I tend to connect with others who write.

All of which give me the opportunity to explore the Read and Trust Network. I’m proud to be a member and find many excellent things to read from the other listed there. I invite you to explore these offers and see if an hour’s reading leaves you feeling more satisfied and ready to share a few of your own thoughts, in depth, as well.

Update: Part of the series: Some Things I learned By Showing Up.

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