Grimaldi In Scotland

by Randy Murray on July 9, 2012

If you are planning on being in Edinburgh, Scotland this August anytime from the 6th through the 11th, I invite you to come and see a special production of my play, Grimaldi: King of the Clowns presented by Howard Payne University as part of the International Collegiate Theatre Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

I’ve written a special adaptation for the shorter time necessary for the festival–no small feat! As the playwright, I felt that I’d already distilled the story I needed to tell to two and a half hours. It was a struggle, but a very interesting challenge, to cut it down to close to an hour with no intermission (the intermission had been a critical part of the full play and a very necessary “full stop” for the emotional arc of the play). This performance should be just over an hour and no longer than an hour and a half.

I ended up writing TWO special editions: the one that will be presented, and one I’m dying to see someone attempt. It’s even shorter and designed to be performed as street theater, anywhere, anytime. If you’re interested in a possible production of any of the three versions please let me know and I’ll send you the scripts.

I’ll be traveling to see the productions, so if you manage to attend, please let me know and I’d very much like to meet you.

Here are the details:

The Grimaldi In Scotland by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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