Food. Wonderful meals. Awful meals. Memorable meals stick with us, long after digestion or indigestion have passed. Food has a particular hold on memory. And food from your childhood has a particularly strong hold.
Try this the next time you’re in a group of strangers: ask about the food they grew up with. You’re likely to hear some very interesting stories.
I remember the foods of my youth, the fried fish, the gooseberry pies, the fried green tomatoes. I know how the food and the women who prepared those meals shaped me. Yes, it was women who cooked in my family, but my girls know me as a cook, not always successful, but willing to try something new and interesting. Their remembered meals will be a bit different from mine, but they’ll still have the fried green tomatoes.
Today’s assignment is to write about the foods you remember from home and your childhood. Try to make this more than a list, more than a recipe. Write about the foods and the cooks, what you remember, and how those foods made you feel. Tell your readers about your attempts to recreate those foods and feelings. And be ready to explore your memories and capture more for future assignments.
This Writing Assignment was suggested by Dave Caolo Be sure and check out his site, 52 Tiger and consider become a supporting member!
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