standing desk

Writing Assignment: Write Standing For Twenty Minutes

11.08.2013 writing

I don’t know about you, but my brain works differently when I’m not sitting at a desk. I can write reclining in a chair (and often do). I can write sprawled across the floor. I can and do write in bed. And more and more frequently, I write standing up. Writing while standing is terrific […]

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Writing Assignment: Write An Object Description Without Adjectives.

10.04.2013 writing

To write cleanly, sparely, is surprisingly difficult. When a writer attempts to describe an object, person, or place directly, it takes exceptional thought and concentration to keep that description from going overboard with little, unnecessary bits that clutter up the sentences and diminish the power of the description. Adjectives are designed to aid in description. […]

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Strapped In

06.11.2013 writing

Since my recent back surgery I’ve been wearing a big compression brace. I’ve had more than one person tell me it looks like I won the World Wrestling Federation competition (alas, I was only runner up). It keeps everything in place, but it’s great to strip it off to relax in a reclined chair or bed. […]

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Once More Unto The Breach

04.15.2013 blogging

Over the next few weeks, while I recover from back surgery, I’ll post a selection of materials that I’ve published elsewhere and perhaps some of what I consider to be “oldies but goodies” from this site as well. I hope that you’ll enjoy these pieces. I plan on getting back to writing and publishing new […]

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My Container Store Standing Desk

11.14.2012 gadgets

Sitting and writing is killing me. Literally. And yes, I’m using the word literally correctly. I find that the longer I keep my butt in that chair and do what I need to do as a writer that the pain in my lower back and the aching in my left shoulder and numbness in my left […]

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