
The Writer’s Default

01.31.2013 writing

There are lots of things that one can do with a free day, a free hour, even just a few minutes. When other people ask, the writer should have a single default response. When someone asks you, “What are you doing tomorrow?” you will say, “Writing.” When a friend asks you, “What do you want […]

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Writing Assignment: Confront An Addiction

09.30.2011 productivity

Do you think you spend too much time online? Do you eat too much, or eat too much junk food? Do you kick yourself for playing games for hours on end? Do you watch way too much TV? You know what behaviors you have that are destructive and wasteful. But have you really admitted it […]

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Tips To Break Your Online Addiction: Make Music

09.29.2011 Music

One of the oldest and most fundamental human experiences is the making of music. Music is literally tied to the rhythm of our hearts, to the vibrations of our environments, and to the sounds of breathing, living, and moving. Listening to music is wonderful, but nothing compares to the experience of making music yourself. Making […]

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Tips To Break Your Online Addiction: Clean Something

09.28.2011 Environment

There is always something that needs to be cleaned. If you’re in your workplace, your computer, your desk, the things that surround you, they all get filthy over time. If you’re at home, cleaning is a never-ending task. So make it a positive experience. If you’re struggling with online addictions, then make a note of […]

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Tips To Break Your Online Addiction: Read A Book

09.27.2011 Books and Literature

As much as I am enamored of my Mac, my iPad, and my iPhone, I love books more. I can literally read all day. That, for me, is a terrific vacation day (along with an occasional swim in the ocean, some eating and drinking, and time with my loved ones). Reading a book can also […]

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