This week we’re away on our family beech vacation. We all bring a stack of books. Here’s mine for 2013:
- Light of the World
by James Lee Burke. One of my favorite authors who almost always has the good timing to have his latest book out just in time for my vacation. I award my favorite authors by purchasing their books in hardback early in their release.
- The Colorado Kid
a nice, pulpy mystery novel by Stephen King.
- Needful Things
another King novel I haven’t read.
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
Ernest Hemingway.
- Liar’s Poker
by Michael Lewis. Penny gave me this one.
- World War Z
by Max Brooks. Saw the movie and the book sounds even more interesting.
- And probably Volume II of American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s
. I highly recommend this collection for anyone who is interested in Science Fiction. I read Volume I recently and am reminded of just how terrific these men and women writers were.
What’s on your vacation reading list this year?
The Beach Reading 2013: My Vacation Book Stack by Randy Murray, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Finally reading Kurt Vonnegut’s, Slaughterhouse-Five, after hearing him interviewed on NPR earlier this year.
Erik Larson’s Thunderstruck
Larry W. Phillips, Hemmingway on Writing