September 2010

Closed For Remodeling – When To Tear It All Down And Start Over

09.30.2010 Business

The local Wendy’s fast food restaurant put up barricades the other day and signs that read, “Closed for Remodeling.” The signs were still up when they brought in the heavy equipment and started ripping off the roof and tearing down the walls. Their idea of remodeling was a little more extreme than my idea of [...]

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Why I Like Poker: Read People, Not The Cards

09.29.2010 The life of the mind

I have never played a full game of Monopoly, all the way to the end. Or Risk. I’ve never liked Scrabble and find those party games like Pictionary to be forced and artificial. I’m not a chess player, although I appreciate the idea of the game. And although I’ve had fun playing games like Hearts [...]

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Driving Thru The Carwash – Are You Oblivious To Life?

09.28.2010 The life of the mind

Yesterday I saw something that at first I thought was funny, then scary, then sad. The car dealership where I bought my car offers free car washes to its customers. Anytime I go by I take advantage of that (although I do wash my car by hand, too). It’s an automated wash. Pull up between [...]

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Forty Minutes With My Daughter – Why Facetime Is The First Consumer Videoconferencing That Works

09.27.2010 Family

I had two video conferencing experiences this week. One was exceptionally bad and the other was seamlessly wonderful. It led me to recall my experiences over the years with video conferencing and to think about where they’re going. I’d used commercial video conferencing systems for years. Most of them have been the very expensive (hundreds [...]

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Writing Assignment: Describe Waking Suddenly From A Dream

09.24.2010 The life of the mind

If your goal is to become a better writer, you need to practice. Here’s your writing assignment for today: describe the experience of waking suddenly from a dream. Dreaming is a universal human aspect. It is the part of ourselves that tells us stories from all of the things we see, feel, and think. Anything [...]

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